White (tooth coloured) fillings are the most popular choice for repairing dental cavities. Many people are choosing to replace their old amalgam fillings for the more aesthetically pleasing composite restoration. At Totally Teeth we use tooth coloured composite resin to fill teeth. There are many different shades of composite to best match each individual’s tooth.
The resin is like putty that is soft and easy to mold to the shape of the cavity. Once the resin is molded it is then set using a curing light to make it solid. The filling is then shape and polished to make it feel like a natural part of the tooth.
While composite resin is the popular choice for pleasing asthetics, dentists do promote composite resin as a dental filling material for other reasons. Amalgam fillings require larger sections of the tooth to be removed whereas dentists only need to drill away the diseased part of the tooth to place composite resin. This preserves the existing tooth structure for years to come.